• Keys to Product Led Growth (PLG)

    Keys to Product Led Growth (PLG)

    Imagine this: you’ve just launched an amazing new product. It’s innovative, it’s sleek, and you know it’s going to change the game for your users. But as the days turn into weeks and weeks into months, you notice that growth isn’t as rapid as you hoped. You’ve got a small team, limited resources, and you’re…

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  • Designing Data-Driven Funnels

    Designing Data-Driven Funnels

    Sarah, the director of marketing for a growing e-commerce brand, was facing a common problem many marketers deal with every day. Despite running multiple campaigns and driving what seemed like the right traffic to her website, conversions remained stagnant. She knew that to turn visitors into paying customers, she would need a more strategic approach….

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  • What Is Data Marketing?

    What Is Data Marketing?

    How much do I need to sell the concept of using data to inform marketing decisions? The difference is massive. By using data to inform campaigns, marketers have a dramatically better view of the efficiency and effectiveness of their funnels and marketing assets. The end result is more definitive resource allocation, higher ROI on campaigns,…

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